Friday, December 3, 2010

Don't Forget - Game Night TONIGHT in PV 147 @ 5:00 pm

You are all invited to the Computer Systems Society's Unreal Tournament 3 game night this Friday at 5:00 pm in PV 147. Pizza will be provided!
Publish Post

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Makeover (Electric) with Prof Long, Josh Dutton, Jeff Conradt, and John Hayes

ASHLAND — A gas-powered 2006 Ford Ranger that might have otherwise been destined for a wholesale auction will find new life as an electric vehicle. Ashland electric-vehicle company Ambiente Motors will install the electric power train in January, splitting the cost with SOU, and a team of researchers from Oregon Institute of Technology will compile data on the truck's operations.

Once the electric engine is ready to go, our very own professor Jim Long, along with software engineering students Josh Dutton, Jeff Conradt and John Hayes, will install software to track the Ranger in real time!

You can learn more about this exciting project in this article or by talking with either Jim, Josh, Jeff, or John.

There is also talk that if the project goes well they may be converting Todd's Spyder in the spring!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Game Night - Friday @ 5:00 pm - PV 147

You are all invited to the Computer Systems Society's Unreal Tournament 3 game night this Friday at 5:00 pm in PV 147. Pizza will be provided!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Lunch @ OIT

On Thursday, from noon to 2:00 pm all students are invited to a FREE Turkey lunch in the CU. Please feel free to join other students, faculty, and staff for a great lunch!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Register NOW!

Hopefully by now you have registered for your classes for next term. If not, please do so immediately as we have begun the process of reviewing class sizes and enrollment and will start looking at consolidating and dropping courses where appropriate. Please, make it a point to register immediately!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Resource Fee Grants

We have just been notified that our department has received funding for all of our Resource Fee Grant requests. These requests included funding for replacing all the PC's in PV 228, purchasing some Mac Mini's for placement in one of our labs, and funds for helping to develop the cath lab simulator.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mike Force - Presentation TUESDAY @ 2:00 pm CU

Mike Force, Oregon Tech alumnus and successful aerospace engineer, gives a poignant reminder of the value of an Oregon Tech education in his presentation “The role of an Oregon Tech education on a successful career” on Tuesday, November 9, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. in the Oregon Tech College Union Auditorium. The presentation is free and open to everyone. Learn how an education from Oregon Institute of Technology contributed to the trajectory of Mike Force’s exceptional career as an aerospace engineer.

Force graduated from Oregon Tech in 1987 with a bachelor’s degree in electronics engineering technology. He credits his Oregon Tech education as the launch pad for his exceptional career which spans the gamut of industry, military and academics.

He is currently employed by The Boeing Company and supports all Boeing airplane models in electrical systems projects and performs regulatory compliance approvals for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

His past industry experience includes working at The Boeing Company in aircraft systems design and development work on the Boeing 737, 747, 767, 777, and 787 programs. He also spent three years on the Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS) team at Honeywell.

Force also teaches aviation safety at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University where he earned his M.S. in aeronautical science. He is also a retired commander in the Naval Air Reserve.

Force’s private company, Aircraft Certification Specialists, LLC is a growing business with projects supporting Learjeat, Hondajet, and Eclipse Aviation.

Listen to Mike Force’s presentation and learn how your Oregon Tech education can take you farther than you ever dreamed.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Transfer Students Advising Meeting - Friday @ noon - Pizza Provided

Mars Reach Program - JP presentation WED @ 4 - 5 pm -- PV 208

The Mars Reach Program at Oregon Tech launches and tracks weather balloons for various high altitude experiments. As part of a Junior Project, a team of 4 CSET students created a software system to be used to solve the problem of dynamically tracking and predicting weather balloon flight paths. The flight of the balloon was mathematically modeled and coded into the system. The system used altitude estimations together with wind data from the flight to continuously update the estimated landing location of the payload.

Wednesday Nov. 3rd, 4 - 5 p.m. in Purvine 208, we will describe the software and mathematical components of the project and we will discuss the results including recommendations for future prediction systems.

Anyone interested is encouraged to attend.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Winter Term Schedules NOW Available

The schedule for Winter term, 2011 is now available on the web! Advanced registration will begin Monday, November 8th. See your faculty advisor soon.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Intel Plaque

New plaque placed outside PV 120 - thanks Intel!

Monday, October 18, 2010

EPIC Mentoring Center - Open House this WED from 4:00 - 5:00

Stop by and enjoy some refreshments and find out more about the EPIC (Expanding Participation in Computing) program.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy 25th Birthday C++

Check out Wired's great interview with Bjarne Stroustrop! I am sure you will all enjoy it.

Happy Birthday C++!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

CSET Dept BBQ - TODAY @ 4:00

Remember to join President Chris Maples, Dean Erin Foley, and the CSET faculty today for the Freshmen/New Student BBQ in Purvine Hall at 4:00 pm.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Free EPIC Tutors Now Available in Purvine

The EPIC Mentoring Hours are now posted outside the EPIC center located in the lower level of Purvine Hall.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Freshmen/New Student BBQ - October 13th

Please join the CSET faculty on October 13th at 4:00 pm in the lower level of Purvine Hall for the annual welcome BBQ for our new students.

ALL CSET majors are invited to enjoy Chef Phong's world famous BBQ and play volleyball!

Monday, September 27, 2010

MSDNAA Accounts

Troy has submitted the list for accounts of students that had registered as of last week to Microsoft. Your accounts should be active within the next 24 hours. If you have any problems, please see Troy Scevers.

Time for School

Welcome back to campus!

The Computer Systems Engineering Technology faculty

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Full-time job in Medford

Full time - entry-level opportunity for a college graduate in the IT - ecommerce Department with Musician's Friend in Southern Oregon.

If you are interested you can find more information on the OIT Career Services Website or from Jan Goodyear.
Job posting ID: 3255

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Purvine 125 update

The lab in Purvine 125 (Unix, SOC, and Assembly) is now ready for your return. Also this past week the OIT Physical Plant finished installing additional outlets in the halls outside PV 114 and PV 120.

Hope you all ENJOY the LAST WEEK of your vacation! We are looking forward to seeing you soon
Posted by Randy

Friday, August 27, 2010

PV 147 Lab Update

PV 147 has now been repainted, the walls fixed, the machines rebuilt, etc. In the next few weeks this lab, along with most of the other labs, will have Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate, Office 2010, and Windows 7 installed.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reno Alumni BBQ Pictures

Here are a few pictures from the Alumni BBQ held last weekend in Reno.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Reno Alumni BBQ

It was great seeing so many of our alumni this past Saturday at Mark Bansemer’s house in Reno at the OIT Alumni and Faculty BBQ. Along with President Maples and his wife Sara, Mark and Hallie Neupert, Larry and Alla Powers, Robin Thompson, Tracy Ricketts, Ralph, and Randy were also able to attend this year’s annual event.

Thanks to all the alumni that were able to attend and spend some time with their former colleagues and some of the OIT faculty and administrators. I will try to post some pictures soon.

We look forward to hopefully seeing you all again next year, along with those folks that weren’t able to make it this year!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

OIT Ranks 7th Among Best Regional Colleges in the West

Here is some exciting news I thought you would all enjoy.

Washington, D.C.

Oregon Institute of Technology earned the #7 spot among Best Regional Colleges in the Western U.S. in the 2011 edition of Best Colleges by U.S. News Media Group. In addition, Oregon Tech earned the #42 spot among Best Undergraduate Engineering Programs nationwide. The exclusive rankings, which include rankings of more than 1,400 schools nationwide, are available today at, and will be published in the September issue of U.S.News & World Report, on newsstands starting Aug. 31.

Over the past two decades, the U.S.News college rankings, which group schools based on categories created by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, have grown to be the most comprehensive research tool for students and parents considering higher-education opportunities.

"We’re very pleased that Oregon Tech is ranked for this school year," said Oregon Tech President Chris Maples. "Our students and alumni can take great pride in the fact that Oregon Tech is so highly regarded by our peers. The indicators of excellence on which these rankings are based also provide very helpful data for us as we continue to improve the quality of our degrees and look to the future for new degree opportunities and enhanced student experiences."

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mass email about the CSET Blog sent out to students

Welcome to all the new visitors to our blog who are responding to the mass email we just sent out! We appreciate your taking the time to visit us.

We are also very excited about all the students and alumni that are already following us and we appreciate your support! Before we sent the email out today we had over 70 Facebook 'likes', 9 followers on Twitter, 6 email subscribers and 6 followers on Google.

Take care!

Randy and Nagisa

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Alumni/IGT & Faculty BBQ in Reno - August 21st

The alumni BBQ will again be held this summer at Mark Bansemer's home in Reno. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Intel's Atom arrives on campus

Through the efforts of faculty members Jim Long and Jay Bockelman, as well as OIT Vice President Lita Colligan and Jim Fister of Intel, our department recently received a donation of 25 Intel Atom systems. The donation will equip a lab on the Klamath Falls campus and will allow students to learn on state-of-the-industry Intel architecture which will give them an advantage as they enter the workforce.

Intel Atom processors can scale to deliver PC-like performance in devices ranging from cars, smart phones and smart TV devices to razor-thin tablets and netbooks and more. More than 50 million netbooks have now been sold, almost all of which are based on the Intel Atom processor.

“Intel is pleased to provide this contribution of Intel Atom systems to OIT to help support the next generation of engineers as they complete their degrees,” said Morgan Anderson, Intel Oregon Higher Ed and Government Affairs Manager. “OIT and Intel have a rich history together, with over 200 OIT alumni working at the company, and several OIT grads serving in Intel’s top executive and technical positions.”

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Renovating the Lab in PV 147

Along with being repainted, PV 147 is also having the walls
patched and the lab tables fixed.

All of the computers will be rebuilt over the summer and will be running VS 2010 when school starts in the fall.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

CSET Lab Update

All the departmental labs that use Visual Studio are currently being updated to Visual Studio 2010 and Windows 7.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Mike (and Pete's) latest release

CREO is a puzzle game released by Michael Peddicord, a June 2010 graduate in SET. It won first place in Intel/Havoc's Physics Innovation contest last year. First place. Huge congratulations to him!

His website lists games he has made over the years under "Portfolio". CREO and his other games can be downloaded from there.

Also working on this latest release of CREO is Pete Angstadt - a graduate of the SET program last year. Pete spent a number of months working at EA and now works for Havok.

Hopefully their game will win again!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jim Long Presents Paper at ASEE Conference

At the end of June, Associate Professor Jim Long presented a paper at the ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky.

The paper was entitled Outsourcing in Next Generation Technical Software Engineering Education and can be found at

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Todd Breedlove Gets Promoted

Congratulations to Todd for his recently announced promotion from Associate Professor to Full Professor.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Hello World and welcome to the OIT Computer Systems Engineering Technology (CSET) department blog!

The goal of this blog is my attempt at keeping all of you, are valued students, informed about various department and campus wide activities. With the help of the other faculty members in our department and some of your colleagues we will try to keep you informed of important (and sometimes not so important) events and activities currently happening.

I hope you all have a safe and refreshing summer.
